Monthly Archives: June 2012

Tarciso Landmarks

Its ability must dislocate itself in the direction to stimulate the learning and pensamento.’ ‘. Then that Lvy says the professor would according to not be substituted by the NTIC? s, would only have that to adapt itself to the news to form to exert its profession. Another frustration would be the fact of the child to enter in contact in the school only with machines that the lesser possibility does not have to demonstrate to emotions human beings, what it could cause the formation of a generation of individuals with psychological problems or difficulties of relationship what comes of meeting what says Lvy (1999, pg.162): ‘ ‘ But, we hear some times to say, some people remain hours ‘ ‘ ahead of its telas’ ‘ , isolating itself thus of the others. excesses certainly do not have to be encorajados’ ‘. Therefore one forms to diminish the frustrations with the educative use of the NTIC? s would be in not giving credibility to the mythical vision of that the computer would be gradual substituting the professors. The NTIC? s appears to take care of what Lvy says (1999, pg.169): ‘ ‘ It will not be possible proportionally to increase the number of professors to the demand of formation that is, in all the countries of the world, each bigger and more diverse time. The question of the cost of education if places, over all, in the poor countries. It will be necessary, therefore, to search to find solutions that use techniques capable to extend the pedagogical effort of the professors and them formadores.’ ‘ In such a way it is essential that the teaching community understands that the important one is the continuous recycling of its pedagogical formation and the adaptation to the new forms to teach.

Another way would be in the public politics that, exactly unsatisfactoryly, they are investing in reduction of the digital exclusion, in the access the NTIC? s, in the reduction in price of computers, softwares and digital services, in the incentive to free software and in the formation and update of professors. Bibliographical references: MORAN, Jose Manuel; MASETO, Tarciso Landmarks; BEHRENS, Appeared Marilda. New technologies and pedagogical mediation. 10 ed. Campinas, SP: Papirus, 2006.

LVY, Pierre. Cibercultura. Translation: Carlos Irineu of the Coast. So Paulo: Publishing company 34, 1999. Original heading: Cyberculture. MORAN, Jose Manuel.

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