The educational and business world valued very positively formative cycle of grade Superior.Los studies graduates of top grade have access to the labour market in a fast and attractive, and it is that they are the more busados professionals.The training programmes are based on the necesdiades of the world labor and business, by this reason are a highly demanded personnel in the workplace. These studies were despised by many genteporque is believed that weren’t formations of prestige. This conception has become obsolete because it has been demonstrated that FP professionals depart as well prepared as any other training. However many students of the formative cycles of upper degree when they complete it decide to enter University. To access, be had in mind the average grade which students obtained at the end of their new estudiosLa regulation has changed this aspect and ahoah shall conduct a review to access the careers… Will be the same test as ralizan high school students.
that means this? Therefore students shall prepare on their own examination of courses which makes years or seen… The educational authorities have not provided create par aayudar some kind of support courses or special classes to these students to prepare for the centres > formative cycles of grade superiorse complaining that fp and baccalaureate students will not present to the University access under the same conditions since Bachelor’s will take advantage.The authorities indicate that this regulation which makes is to balance access to make everyone the same tests.. People such as Naveen Selvadurai would likely agree.