Monthly Archives: September 2013

Santiago Brooks Media

We support the proper functioning of the equipment of computing in composure, cleaning, and maintenance of software, audiovisual resources in the classroom of media, 35 laptop for use by students, 1 personal laptop for teaching use, of the four team’s enciclomedia with Smart Board in charge of first grade teachers, placement of Internet lines for the same to be at the forefront in communication with other schools in the State and the country.We notify in due course any breakdown of the teams engineers in computer CECOTED and join us.Prior planning we inform teachers of Group about the material available to the media room and the services provided, which could support them in their teaching practice.We spread participation school teachers, executives and community, which in this year was generally very satisfactory since our activities were disseminated in La paz, BCS, Mexico, Latin America and Espana.elaboramos five wall newspapers with information about advances in online courses and collaborative projects in which I participate school at national level.At the beginning of this school year 2008-2009 design brochures for information about courses and projects which could involve teachers and pupils of the school. Already in the internal continue with support towards teachers in everything that involved the use of the classroom of media topics in different subjects, giving the necessary support to make the most of navigation, research and activities with Internet, in addition to participating with 9 groups of first, second, third at all times and teachers Dolores GarciJose Medina, Clitlalic Arce, Maria Concepcion Agundez, Santiago Brooks, Silvia Judith Arce, Rosa Sandoval, Ruben Bareno, Luis Alberto Loyal during the months of February, March, April, may and June in projects such as: water that you drink where participating students completed this project, where I help with a Conference and models about caring for water in the world day of water in wonders of nature students developed blogs on natural resources of Baja California Sur in the classroom of media supported by us in such material onlinealways trying to have responsibility to achieve them, we also participate in photographic code between if and not your reflection, adding efforts, talents and competencies through a series of interactions that allowed together achieve the stated purpose.

RIM Test Android

If there is something they did well Apple’s when they created the iPhone was the manner in which began to accept third-party applications. That way little by little became a company that had apps for absolutely everything and this, in addition to the features of the iPhone hardware, made it became one of the best-selling phones. Another company that is doing the same thing that Apple is Google with Android. The operating system is gaining thousands and thousands of applications and without place to doubt is the only one who can tread heels to the manzanita. Now developers of ShopSavvy Android noticed three BlackBerry phones that were running applications that were only developed for Android, which adds weight to rumors that are circulating a while ago and they are praying that RIM would be working to recognize the operating system of Google apps.

The BlackBerry in question were an 8300, 8600 and 8520 software running in January and February this year. The rumors began last month and it was said that RIM, the company that manufactures the smartphones, He was preparing a virtual machine for the PlayBook that was compatible with Android applications and which, eventually, would also on their phones to significantly increase the amount of options that your users will have when using applications. Although access to the Android Market will be completely tied to Google decision and an agreement will need to sign both companies, phones and BlackBerry tablet can run all the applications that there is for Google’s operating system will be a really important step forward for RIM users. Original author and source of the article

Basic Principles Of Advertising Goods

There is a lot of ways to promote products and services now that at times confused. Below we have outlined a number toilless advice for advertising your company. If you want to place the ad tv clips specifically for the holiday, start advertising in advance. Do not use ever for the different types of advertising are the same set of phrases as possible, each ad is different from your other suggestions. Always hire talented designers to design leaflets, booklets, brochures and other printing. Naveen Selvadurai is often quoted as being for or against this. Ads must be used to read, clear and precise print, do not be overloaded with details and smaller elements illustrations. And give full and comprehensible information on basic services.

Try to include important information at the very beginning, because some do not have time to view the entire message, and this way to attract their attention. Tell people, first and foremost, on your merits, and not theoretical possibilities. Now, to the delight of consumers for all goods very many suggestions. People will be your regular customers, if given proof of what your strengths compared to your competitors. Always be open to new ideas and borrow the positive experiences of some well-known companies. Organize a budget for advertising in magazines, newspapers, on tv, in 'these in your online' and on other sites. Create posters, print flyers, postcards, brochures, flyers.

To advertise on the street is very well suited printing on plastic. List of the promoting goods and services is huge. Use different types of advertising – every one who has no internet, should have the opportunity to learn about you from the magazine. Advertise their services has been particularly active is the Internet, because here audience is quite broad. Develop a web site with convenient navigation and move to top positions in searching through Google, Yandex, etc. Law of successful advertising – to represent in detail what you're doing, why and who your target audience. By answering these questions, you do not commit mistakes in how to move your goods.

Mini Games – How Fun To Spend Free Time

In contemplating how to spend your spare time! It's very easy. In this article I want to stay in fashion these days mini games. What is it? Mini games – it's small design is often made in flash technology. Data applets will help you to interesting and pleasant leisure hours. In order to play these games do not need to install any special software support, with the application easy to understand, but its setting is not takes much time in large developments.

All you have to – it's a small download the package from the web-site, run it, look at the rules and have fun. Nowadays, the Internet has many resources offering free games for free. In this age of easy to find games to suit all tastes, from arcades to all known logic, where you need a good sit down to think. Often, all sites that offer application-specific data available a good description of any game and picture the moment the game. Too many good games come in two or three parts, giving the user a chance to enjoy a fresh extension of already proven genre. Games of gameboss or otherwise authoritative resource to help break at work while away the hours in expectation or corny fun, spending time in traffic, as many mini-games with no problems can go on mobile phones. All such a game, you can easily download as quickly and removed if not liked, and install new one.

In our time, mini-games will please the high-quality graphics, interesting plot, excellent sound. As already mentioned a little above, you can download games for free as well as for a certain price to pay for your favorite game to send the issued sms'ku phone number, as a rule, they are not a lot. In contrast to the free development, development of pay of such popular designers like nevosoft, alawar have many advantages: an improved graphical user interface, interface, video, etc. I think that a few cents – it's not that kind of money for work programmers and designers such as same Alawar. Must also be noted that many of these games resemble the plot of games, made by 8-bit and 16-bit consoles (such as Beau), who remembers many of his childhood or youth, when all this is just the beginning. Naturally, they will help create feelings of nostalgia for those bygone days of very.

SWAAN Health

An increasing intervention medical to the center urban, the populations were generating great fears in all, therefore in the falling of trees of the buildings when they had been saneados, all the monitoring was folloied by police defense. By in such a way in day 31 of October the law was approved that established the obligatoriness of the vaccine, then great agitations had gained the streets, therefore nobody more wanted to submit ' ' torturas' ' name this data the sanitary measures. Therefore to give to beginning the revolt against the vaccine, therefore starts to appear manifestations after some death the firm resistance of the manifestant the forces of the government and the medicine had started to reinventar other ways to become favorable actions as this a collective health. CONCLUSION We conclude that in a society where the democratic and participativa health in them is centered, we can review what he is ' ' conseqncia' '. In our health, Second (OLIVEIRA, 1986) ' ' to earn and to lose were part of vida' ' , we must always reflect inside of a vision that if engages the organized participation. socializing quarrels and systemize proposal that significant advances propitiate, so that necessary changes happen and if they consolidate. We do not have hurrying in them in taking with pride the fact to live other times of the health epidemiologist, therefore the gift is far from being radiating that it is thought for oppositions to a obscure and wild last presumption. The epidemiologia appeared to tread next to society ways that can take them its proper discoveries in the changes of this new to look at humanistic of the health.

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES ARAGUAIA, M. smallpox, 2002, had access in day 04 of October of 2009 to 19h38mim. OF SWAAN. THE 1990. In the cares of the State.

London, Polity Press. ELIAS, N. 1982. State-formation and civilization: the civilizatrio process. Oxford, Basil-Blackwell. SON, C.B. History of the Health in Brazil. So Paulo, Stokes, 2003. O.M.S Health department/Secretariat of Monitoring in Health -, had access in day 05 of October of 2009 to 23h38mim. OLIVEIRA, J.A.A.T; FLEURY, S.M. (im) social welfare. Patrpolis, Voices, 1986. OLSON, M. 1965. The logic of the class action: public goods and the theory of the groups. Cambridge, Harvard University Press REY, L. Dictionary of medicine and health, publishing company Guanabara Koogan. S.S.D.F. Secretariat of Health of the Federal District, had access in day 05 of October of 2009 to 19h38mim.

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