Monthly Archives: December 2013

Newness Management

The objective of the management of the knowledge in libraries is to foment the newness of the knowledge the newness of the knowledge is the essence of the society of the economy of the knowledge. Like basic principle, the libraries represent an indispensable link in the chain of scientific system to collect, to process, to record and to distribute to the knowledge and the information. They are an important connection in the innovation of the knowledge. Secondly, the libraries comprise direct in the investigation process scientist. The work of the library is a component more of the innovation of the knowledge. Thirdly, the libraries must pay attention to the diffusion and conversion of the knowledge. They act like bridges to turn the results of the innovation of the knowledge into really productive forces. The management of the knowledge in libraries looks for to promote relations between libraries, the library and the user, to reinforce the knowledge working in network and to make agile the flow of the knowledge.

In the era of the economy of the knowledge, the libraries will have to investigate on the development and application of the information resources, to construct virtual libraries, to protect the rights of intellectual property in the electronic era, etc., being put this way the bases for the innovation of the knowledge. The technology of the information is a tool for the management of the knowledge in libraries the acquisition of the knowledge is the departure point of the management of the knowledge in the libraries. The application of information technologies extend the area of acquisition of the knowledge, lift the rapidity of the acquisition and reduce their costs. In the modern society it is impossible to only fulfill such tasks important using the capacity of the people since the knowledge changes by day in day. It will be possible to closely unite sources of knowledge and workers of the knowledge through networks of computers, constructing this way networks of knowledge in libraries based on the accomplishment of computerization of unique positions.

Italian Government

The bank of Italy also has resisted in " the later phase, when the crisis a deep recession in all the advanced countries has followed him, hardest in Italy because it came from one decade of stagnation followed as well of one more a recovery slower than in others lugares" , it added. The next president of the BCE expressed the necessity that has Italy to approve economic reforms structural as rapidly as possible and advanced that if the Government does not undertake cuts in other games of cost different from the contemplated ones in its plan of adjustment, it will be necessary to raise the taxes. After three sessions of turbulences, stock-market of Milan lived east Wednesday a day without frights and the premium of risk of the Italian debt became moderate east Wednesday, after Tuesday yesterday marked a new record in the 347 basic points. Fitch describes to Italy as " estable" The agency of measurement of Fitch risk affirmed east Wednesday that the plan of budgetary adjustment and fiscal reform approved by the Italian Government the 30 of June goes by the good way so that Italy can maintain its present high credit qualification of " AA-" , with investment degree. Fitch foretold that " the Italian Government probably will be able to reduce the budgetary deficit since there is planeado" , reason why the agency maintains the perspective " estable" for the qualification of Italy. The agency indicates that their forecasts of growth for the Italian economy in 2011 are of a 0.7%, against 1.1% of the Government, and who, in spite of it, still hopes that the Executive of Silvio Berlusconi reduces the budgetary deficit to 3.9% of the GIP. Source of the news: Berlusconi will put under their plan of adjustment a confidence vote

Navitel Navigator

The current world around changes regularly. It can touch and improve the speed of life, and create a significant number of new developments. Moreover, these changes take place virtually every time, and in order to stay on the surface, you must always stay abreast of all new products, especially useful to track one of them. Since only the application of modern advances in power to ensure the life of every one of us the most convenient and efficient. For each type of activity really significant time to acquire a valuable collection of information. As new items provide an opportunity to streamline work and improve any sort of activity. K Incidentally, for fans of travel is very valuable technologies such as car navigator. Of course, because the gps navigators guarantee the possibility of any topographic point accurately recognize a private placement and in addition just find the route.

So, we only use high quality gps navigator to never get lost, even in space, where you personally were not previously. Today gps navigation systems embody the best tool for orientation in unfamiliar positions, even in strange towns and states. Moreover, gps navigation systems provide the chance to chart its route and thereby save his spare time travel in unfamiliar places. Just because the majority of motorists who go beyond the areas studied the best solution – this is the map for the navigator garmin free. While many the current browser is not counting the actual maps in the state, including options and a full cast names of streets, as well as changes in the movement, respectively, the selected direction. In the situation of moving on city streets, when you need to navigate to the pace, staying in the direct flow of cars, such opportunities are very effective. In addition, some navigation systems provide opportunity not only to correct the movement, to determine the location of the vehicle or pedestrian, to advise the best way of motion, but also provide a means of wasting time, liberated – by the way, in traffic jam or stop using the browser actually watch the movie. So that in whatever position and in any place you want to feel like at home, Navitel Navigator for free – a great option. Say, modern navigation devices, when used correctly and connected only branded cards, will serve for many years, and will not provide any sort of difficulties. In addition, before the user navigation system there is a huge world around, where you can quickly and easily navigate.

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