Monthly Archives: October 2015

Biosphere Relationship

The quality of education is a concept exported from the world of industry, factories and processes linear mechanics of production objects, in reality if it refers to a continuous improvement but only processes of industrial production, administrative handling, instrumental rationality, control, measurement objective, commercial organization, finances, accounting, i.e., a computer in the world of the systemic concept. In this way the human development process goes differentiation integration and hence to transcendence. If we do not differentiate properly fall into the fusion (everything is the same) or fragmentation (everything is contradictory) is therefore very important to differentiate between quality and educational integrity, not to confuse them because that brings us to the current reductionism. Holistic education indicates the existence of three types of epistemological relations General in the kosmos which is necessary to differentiate to leave evidence of the serious problem of subtle reductionism in education which has not allowed the emergence of a truly comprehensive education.

The first relationship is the objeto-objeto relationship, is the relationship that they establish entre Yes own the fisiosfera and Biosphere objects, objects and processes of the material world and the biological world, it is the relationship between rocks, minerals, mountains, trees, rivers, seas, plants, reptiles, animals in general and the laws of nature as the attraction, electromagnetism, gravity, among others; they are unconscious processes without sense or conscious intentionality, it is a world dominated by processes materials, biological and instinctive. The second general epistemological relationship in the kosmos is the subject-object relationship, is the relationship that we establish humans with the natural world, the relationship of the subjects of the noosphere and teosfera with the fisiosfera and Biosphere objects, is our relationship with animals, rivers, forests, mountains, agricultural, industrial production, our relationship with machines, computersautomotive and technology. Our relationship with objects and physical and biological processes is monologica, it is one relationship with externalities and surfaces, establish a one-way monologue with them, only empirically observe with our senses and its extensions, you don’t have to talk to them because they do not possess complex language.


The more vulnerable adolescents also are each time to the depression. The crisis of the dialogue, the search of the immediate pleasure, the incapacity to work estressantes stimulatons and the yoke of the paranoia of the aesthetic one have generated the compulsory necessity to show a body that follows the estereotipado model spread out by the media, what it causes in the adolescents the psychic depression and other upheavals as the bulimia and the nervous anorexy. Very difficult not to be front to a disappointment state, surprise, shame, insatisfao, frustration, repentance and, in end, a existencial crisis without if asking now and? For times it is looked or the answers and that for times they are well next, but, the desperation, the fear bring a sensation of incapacity, of blindness. One is total without action, from there the difficulty of enxergar a solution and, for times, it is thought or foca exhaustingly in the problem or presumption problem and for consequence much time is lost. One rents to part of the mind and that problem if it transforms into hurt that many times will go to corrode of imperceptible forms other areas. Only GOD. A reply that of certain form if became common. It is interesting to think that if it can perceive the great number of people crowding temples, being many explored times, therefore they are in brainstorming, that after depleted all the possibilities only GOD.

E, then how many and how many they do not live or they had lived this same situation of Jose. This situation is not uncommon. Families are suffering e, many times of guarded form, with the son or son who this living in the world of the drugs, if prostituindo for some changed mseros to satisfy one vice. It seems that the society this living an inversion of values.

The Motherboard

And if the matrix could remain intact, it could hurt the motherboard notebook. Microcracks on the system board can not affect the efficiency of the laptop in the normal state, but if you get it it in his hands and push in a certain place, it will break the tracks at the site of microcracks and the laptop freezes or just turns off. Therefore, after inspection and loading the operating system try to slightly bend the basic the notebook, the board back and forth. Generally, load an operating system – the most serious test for the computer. And if the system is booted, the options for the critical failure left the laptop quite a bit. So Thus, if the operating system on a laptop is not set, it is a serious reason to run into a malfunction. After loading, the system can continue to hang or laptop just turns off – it happens in mainly due to overheating of the various circuits of the motherboard, usually the processor.

Sometimes, the flooded water, tea, coffee, laptop overheating occurs on the video chip or other important large chips, which by nature of their activities require refrigeration. To identify such hidden faults in a laptop is very difficult for a few minutes – it is precisely the lottery, which was mentioned above. Of course, you can run some tests for 100% load cpu and wait a few minutes until the start of the processor fan and you can already highly likely to approve of the performance of the mainboard.

Modelbased Software Development

“WOGRA improves the quality and speed of development with model-based software development In the context of the continuous improvement process started the WOGRA Consulting GmbH in the year 2011 the internal project fast develop better software”. Not only the increase of the speed of development was an important criterion, but also improving the quality of software. Although the project is still running, but the employees could perform first results in current development projects and therefore faster to implement software systems. The approach of model-based software development the program code, such as data access layers, allows to generate models. In addition, the corresponding unit tests can be generated, which permanently ensure the accuracy of the system.

In addition WOGRA consulting took a server up with Jenkins, who every night automatically translates the software versions of the current development projects, as well as performing the tests. The staff can ensure that their Software changes cause no problems to existing codes from the previous day. Should it come in the night to an error be the developer by email will be notified and can promptly resolve the issue. First results integrate although research at WOGRA consulting in this area will be continued further, these first steps were taken in the software development process and achieved initial successes in the development projects. Through the continuous optimization of our development methods and processes, we achieve a real added value for our customers and can claim it as a top company in the South Bavarian region in developing software us”says managing director Wolfgang Grass Court. Why WOGRA consulting? The WOGRA consulting is an IT service provider for project management, Solfwareengineering, requirements and test management. WOGRA assumes complete IT projects or supported their implementation through use of IT professionals locally.

Get highly qualified specialists in the Web – and Java with more than ten years Project experience to use. The scope ranges from small tools to highly available, distributed systems with thousands of users. Best quality in the implementation of the requirements is the claim. WOGRA Consulting GmbH was history of WOGRA Consulting GmbH founded in 2008 by Wolfgang Grass Court and Heiko Simonek, which are also managing director. Registered company address is Augsburg. The team now eleven employees could grow through sustainable growth and a good order situation. Customers from the banking and insurance industry and the industry, as well as the IT industry and the education system benefit from the support of the WOGRA Consulting GmbH and put their trust in you for years.

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