Of course, you can put a makeshift exhaust ventilation or keep the doors open, but Then within a few meters from your garage leaves wither, and the ground covered with brown spots, and it can see the neighbors. Still, better to do chrome plating in compliance with sanitary and building regulations labor protection, pre-learned about the conditions of a supervisory permission for the site chromium in selected industrial site. Typically, the initial organizational phase place manufacturing locations are not given special priority. However, local health rules define not only the cost of complex equipment galvanic plot, but in principle the possibility of building the latter. Once we have received a request for construction of the chrome pipes up to 6m in Sochi. At a resort, not one sanatorium near which ses would permit large-scale deployment chrome.
Conclusion: We must start not with the choice of equipment, and with the choice of manufacturing space. How much is the equipment for decorative chrome plating? Equipment section for small-scale production of protective and decorative coatings with chromium-plated hardware is standard and includes the following items: bath, heating elements, power sources, filtration systems, installation of water demineralization, local and general ventilation, plumbing and sewerage. Go to accessories include grinding and polishing machines and apparatus sandblasting. Galvanic equipment market offers a wide range of products such as Russian and foreign production. Equipment can be purchased as the individual components, or in combination with one supplier. Weighty piece of equipment can be made within the infrastructure metal production, which will benefit about half its market value.