Applying Liquid Wallpaper

In liquid wallpaper many advantages. Get at least to the fact that they line the walls, serve as good sound insulation, easy to clean and do not burn. And although the 'glue' them on the wall is much more complicated, they are worth a try. Tools and Materials: 1. Liquid wallpaper, water, color liquid wallpaper 2. Oil paint 3.

Trowel 4. Paint roller and the relief cushion Process: 1. Clean walls. It should be dry and chistoyochischennoy: carefully remove the old wallpaper and whitewash, remove Possible nails and screws, remove the switches and sockets. 2. Before applying the liquid wallpaper wall covering experts advise regular oil paint.

3. Preparing the mixture. Dilute the contents of water in the proportions of these on the package, and carefully stir until smooth. Remember that wall from corner to corner should be covered with material from one batch, so it is better to cook once in abundance. Residues can then be added to the new batch. When using Colora, it should be dissolved according to instructions in the water, then pour the colored water into the tank with another dry mixture of liquid wallpaper. Other additions to the wallpaper, too, should be mixed in the dry state. 4. Covers the walls liquid wallpaper. Apply the ready-mix with a trowel on the wall and the same smooths out the same trowel or paint roller (foam or velyurnym with short pile) to a thickness of 1-2 mm. 5. After 5-6 hours you can walk above the special relief roller to give texture. In this case, care must be taken regularly dampened with water so as not to damage the layer of wallpaper. 6. Give the walls dry completely. It may take up to two days.

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