In this article we look at painting and modification of polymeric materials using granulated concentrates and masterbatches. This method deserves attention because of its simplicity and its manufacturability application, as well as due to the fact that today more than 98% of the world's products from plastics to acquire the required physical and mechanical properties and color with these granules. Concentrates, or the so-called masterbatches represent granules containing functional or coloring additives and polymer as a binder. The manufacturing process of their production processes that use similar granulation. Material support (polymer matrix) and additives (usually in powder form) with the precise dosage mix with each other. The resulting mixture is homogenized worm extruder and pressed through forming equipment. To obtain pellets melt can be applied in two ways.
This granulation in the chilled spinneret or cutting the extruded strands granulkuterom. Coloring additives are made from the carrier material and colorants. Polymer matrix concentrate shall consist of the same material as the polymer and painted for high quality color distribution for the product. The term "colorant" is to be understood organic dyes and inorganic pigments, which gives the material the desired color. As inorganic pigments using carbon black, titanium dioxide, chromium oxides, iron oxide compounds, etc. They are finely divided and have been attributed to volume of the polymer, depending on Stepney opacity paint over the product. Unlike organic dyes is that they dissolve in the molten plastic, which can be left natural transparency polymer and give it the desired shade. As an example, pet bottles, a bluish tint which is purchased with help of the phthalocyanine dye. Mechanism for generating functional additives inherently is the same process, only instead of colorants used substances modifying the properties of plastics such as processability, transparency, luster (gloss), surface friction, impact strength, etc. Quality masterbatch mainly depends on the quality of used colorants and additives, as well as on compliance of production technology. This determines the color accuracy and uniformity derived properties of the product.
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