Digital Album

The digital album are books of photos, i.e. printed books whose leaves include the photographs selected by the user. Prior to the printing of the digital album the user must create a virtual photo album using a software, usually supplied by the company that provides the service, which allows laying out the book and include photographs, texts and designs, to then send the file over the Internet to the printing press, which will be sent once printed album. Digital album the development of digital photography and the expansion of the Internet has allowed the emergence of the digital album, real books with professional quality where we can place our enhances photos together with texts, graphics and designs to our liking. Unlike the conventional photo album, in which photos are printed or reveal separately and van pasted, attached or subject to the leaves, the digital album are picture books, whose leaves are printed with integrated snapshots. We have several options for creating custom-designed digital album where include our best shots: digital album printing web services. Web sites for sharing photos.

Home print digital album. Digital album printing web services companies that print digital album provide free download applications that once installed on your computer allow us laying out the book and create virtual photo album. The user will need to select the layout of each page (custom or template), as well as the front cover and back cover, select, edit, and locate the photos, add text if you wish and formatting (bold, italic font, font, color, size). The price of the book will depend on factors such as size, number of pages, paper quality, binding type, mode of shipment and number of copies. Once finished the design of the book, the user must only send file printed via the Internet, which will print it and send it to the client. Some companies that provide this service are: Hofmann. Blurb. Lulu.

Snapfish. Web sites for sharing photos some web sites that allow you to share and store photos have the option of generating virtual photo album and print them as books. Unlike album digital printing companies, in this case not necessary to download and install on our computer any application or software, since they employ tools of layout online. Here are some web sites to share photos that have the option to print digital album: Flickr. Picasa. Shutterfly. Home digital album print if we have a colour printer of software for the creation of virtual photo album and photo quality, we ourselves can print our digital album. The result will not be as professional as a recourse to a printing press, but in Exchange we print them in the Act and make modifications at any time.

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