Miguel Angel Cornejo

In this article I will refer to some necessary steps in search of personal improvement. And, when we talk about personal growth we refer to the improvement which, in each of the stages of our lives, and in the different fields in which we operate, we achieve through time. Without this article intends to have a religious or theological connotation, is important to note that the self-improvement of the human being has always been in the plans of Divine Providence, being understood for the purposes of this article, as Divine Providence, as described by Wikipedia: oversight, intervention, or the set of active actions of God in the relief of the men.(1), And that purpose has been disclosed in the will of the divine nature, in each one of the stages or dispensations of man on Earth and has been referred to the welfare of the human being, as he says in the book of Genesis in the Bible, in one of his verses, which indicates: is not good that the man should be alone (2). The marked text highlights how, is not the divine will, anything that is not good, putting the divine sovereignty necessary solutions within the reach of human beings for man. Without mean foregoing such purpose need to comply in all persons automatically or as unbreakable law, but that, rather, there are laws that must be met for the accomplishment of the divine purpose and, as I mentioned earlier, we are not talking about theological aspects related to one or another religion, but to the overall well-being of mankind. This improvement would be referred to the achievement of the objectives that lead to happiness, abundance and, above all, the peace of the men and women here on Earth. Such overcoming equals wisdom, intelligence and love. As Miguel Angel Cornejo in one of his articles on the Blog crecerenpositivo (3): the accumulation of wisdom, is the way to overcome. Read more here: Daniel Straus Healthbridge.

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