
21 Peru today 28th February of the current year, are graciosisimos. They say that Castaneda does not believe in the survey from Ipsos-support, but they also reject the Idise posed a technical tie between Castaneda and Toledo. When in reality any of you give them, you have the truth in their hands. This means of communication that is Toledista 100% is by all means influencing public opinion, to make us think that Toledo will definitely go to a second round with Keiko Fujimori. Why? Because they know that Toledo would win easily; by all the Government passed with Alberto Fujimori. And they know that in a possible second round with Castaneda, the thing already would not be so easy. sabidasos, no? The Lords Alex Kouri and Jose Barba, assured that relatives and close friends, does not support any candidate for the Presidency (and that is still to be seen).

Let me tell you gentlemen that our relatives and close friends, nor support their candidacy for Congress (and that it is safe). With the passage of time the parliamentary political class, has lost credibility. The traditional political parties, are no longer credible, to such an extent that Apra suddenly disappears from the Congress. Because of the corruption of the ancestral politicians in Congress, it seems inevitable to see a Congress of: Pepes Vasquez, Susys days, Pardo Moniques, and many characters of showbiz and sport. Poor guy our Congress. As well as the newspaper Peru 21 supports to Toledo and the daily Express supports Castaneda; last night Channel 9 in a night program specializing in film, his host Veronica interviewed Luis Castaneda. He asked me to do, suddenly and from week to week, a magazine program, becomes political? The interview was really interesting, was seen all that Castaneda did in his governmental administrative life, with different Governments, both as presidential councilmen. But we must not mix things to give to understand that channel 9 supports the candidacy of Castaneda. Little by little, the media are going deschabando in their electoral preferences.

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