Tag Archives: computers and internet

The Motherboard

And if the matrix could remain intact, it could hurt the motherboard notebook. Microcracks on the system board can not affect the efficiency of the laptop in the normal state, but if you get it it in his hands and push in a certain place, it will break the tracks at the site of microcracks and the laptop freezes or just turns off. Therefore, after inspection and loading the operating system try to slightly bend the basic the notebook, the board back and forth. Generally, load an operating system – the most serious test for the computer. And if the system is booted, the options for the critical failure left the laptop quite a bit. So Thus, if the operating system on a laptop is not set, it is a serious reason to run into a malfunction. After loading, the system can continue to hang or laptop just turns off – it happens in mainly due to overheating of the various circuits of the motherboard, usually the processor.

Sometimes, the flooded water, tea, coffee, laptop overheating occurs on the video chip or other important large chips, which by nature of their activities require refrigeration. To identify such hidden faults in a laptop is very difficult for a few minutes – it is precisely the lottery, which was mentioned above. Of course, you can run some tests for 100% load cpu and wait a few minutes until the start of the processor fan and you can already highly likely to approve of the performance of the mainboard.

Japanese Crossword

On the Internet, at the moment, you can find many sites that address the Japanese krossvordy.Tak as I fan of Japanese crossword puzzles, then many of these sites have tried to solve crosswords. But every time I've noticed the shortcomings and inconvenience. For example, most of them, you can not paint over the blocks of cells. That is, have to click on each cell. On some sites, this fix Manual, but also very inconvenient.

Other deficiencies – can not cross out cells in the upper left and number pad (on some sites), and general overall "sloppy" visual part of a crossword puzzle. And me, the situation on the internet with my favorite kind of puzzle, did not work. What right have options solutions – either to help in any way the creators of sites in the development of a more appropriate version of the crossword puzzle, or create a site yourself. Since at that time I already had some experience in developing Internet applications, has decided to create a website from scratch. At the beginning of a fairly detailed study of existing sites with the Japanese crossword. Once again I was surprised that half the sites, which provides search in the top twenty, do not deserve attention. Identified another some shortcomings, but is now looking for and benefits.

Thus, formed a complete picture of the future site – deficiencies eliminated the benefits of utilizing to the fullest. Also learned from friends along, too Japanese fans of crossword puzzles, what they would like to see the new site. As a result of preliminary work had identified the basic requirements for successful websites. Basic requirements: – easy solution – a large base Japanese crosswords. With the convenience of the solution, for fans of puzzles, everything is clear. Namely: the painting of units, the ability to delete unwanted values in the upper and left blocks, strikethrough cells. But with a large base of crossword puzzles, at first, there are problems – and where to get them something. Hence arose option – enable users to add crosswords. And, of course, the whole site should be visually pleasing and easy to navigate. After determining the basic requirements, you can proceed to implementation. Continued in the next article.

New Amendment

Let us first try to understand those who benefit from these amendments, and what relation to them are the creators of the notorious intellectual property. Let's start with the creators. On an existing popular opinion, downloading from the web musical works, software and other objects of copyright free, we are doing inestimable damage purses creators of these works. But often the content producers themselves, refuse to copyright. Bright example is the well-known blogger creator of WordPress themes by Brian Gardner. His themes Revolution enjoyed wild popularity, as the Western, and at home bloggers. Themes cost is not cheap, but Gardner at one point decided to distribute threads on General Public License, that is free of charge. The musicians themselves lay out a new album in sharing services, giving everyone the opportunity to download their songs and not pay a dime for this.

Then how many claims to the final consumer product, and distributors. Musicians often receive money from the concerts, so it is advantageous to pour a new album in the network for free. With the help of the network, they create an army of fans that will go concerts. But with cd sales make labels that are and are major losses on distribution of content over a network. These and similar organizations pushing for laws in every way prevent free access to information under the guise of protecting intellectual property.

We return to the Russian reality. Why did the amendments to copyright law have caused such a storm in the Russian Internet. Based on these amendments, if illegal use of copyright or related rights of professional responsibility. If your computer has such facilities would be in excess of 50.000 rubles, you can plant for 2 years. With more torrents worse, you are still and disseminator, planted a long time. Frightened? There is something to be afraid, even though the text of the amendment and sounds pretty vague. "Allowed without consent of the author or copyright holder and without remuneration Play a citizen, if necessary, exclusively for personal purposes, lawfully disclosed work. That is, you have to prove that you were very necessary given object. Including the need to any pictures by chance saved, or just rest in your browser's cache, you have to prove in court! That's such an interesting amendment to copyright law. Do not be surprised if you stopped in the street and ask, from the phone that this tune.

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