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The strengths of DpuScan are speed, reliability, universal use, and ease of use – at a surprisingly affordable price. Janich & Klass constantly works on the improvement and optimization of DpuScan. Numerous new details have been integrated in the past few months in the version 5.11 of the software. So, DpuScan now uses the capacities of modern multi core computer: with the Plug-In DpuProcess background processes run independently, while in the foreground can be scanned further. The classification of the documents can be in the background. Automatic text alignment now copes with every lopsided, and also works in small degrees – not only at 90, 180 or 270 degrees. More precisely, the improved OMR module detects markers.

The ability to use DpuScan scanner out is brand new. To have the scanner controls for software control provide (E.g. on its touch screen). So far, this is only possible with the XINO S700 scanners of Janich & Klass-partner company microform, which also can be seen at the booth of Janich & Klass at the DMS EXPO. The microform scanner to provide such a function previously considered only: while DpuScan is running on the PC, can be then the scanner no input on the PC – a Stapelscann started, interrupted, stopped and fixed error (double blade, jam, etc.). Permanent innovation DpuScan makes a typical example of technology made by J & K”, as Dietmar Janich, Managing Director of Janich & Klass Computertechnik GmbH. that’s why is research and development from the outset on the basis of our success. The long-term success of DpuScan shows that reliability in the document identification is no coincidence.


AJAX was reducing the time in ASP.NET Web application. AJAX is being extensively used in .NET Web applications to reduce the request / response lifecycle. If there is any interaction with the page that requires a post back to the web server and any server side task is needed to be done on it a bit of time lag is experienced, which can be quite a non sense for the user. This is where AJAX comes into play. AJAX is a technique with which JavScript can be used to make light weight requests to the server and the response can be posted on the webpage seamlessly. Thus with AJAX one can make web based applications work like desktop application without any lag time. AJAX can now be easily synchronized with ASP.NET with the help of ASP.NET Atlas framework.

AJAX is acronym used for asynchronous JavScript and XML. This has the capability to send small amounts of data to the web server asynchronously, thus one does have to refresh the page every now and then as a seamless exchange occurs giving a great browsing experience to the user and putting less pressure on the application itself.The Microsoft AJAX Library is a JavScript library that has many features which are extensively used in building the applications while making use of AJAX. Visual or non-visual JavScript components can be made with the infrastructure provided. JavScript extensions are help in emulating the object oriented constructs. Page rendering on the server side can be avoided with the new features of ASP.NET AJAX 4.0 release.

Much of the imperative JavScript code has been cut down with the usage of declarative instantiation of client components. You can easily implement AJAX type functionality to your new or existing web applications using Microsoft Atlas. JavScript object notation can be implemented with the help of ASP.NET AJAX framework wherein the serialization features of JSON to allow web services allows calling web services from client-side JavScript, even using third – party JavScript libraries like jQuery. The use of AJAX has almost changed the face of programming in the ASP.NET Web applications. The lag time which what a big hindrance for site owners to use ASP.NET on their websites has been controlled quite effectively with AJAX. No doubt ASP.NET is still the most respected and the most widely used Web-based programming language used all across the world to churn out robust and secure Web sites.

Modelbased Software Development

“WOGRA improves the quality and speed of development with model-based software development In the context of the continuous improvement process started the WOGRA Consulting GmbH in the year 2011 the internal project fast develop better software”. Not only the increase of the speed of development was an important criterion, but also improving the quality of software. Although the project is still running, but the employees could perform first results in current development projects and therefore faster to implement software systems. The approach of model-based software development the program code, such as data access layers, allows to generate models. In addition, the corresponding unit tests can be generated, which permanently ensure the accuracy of the system.

In addition WOGRA consulting took a server up with Jenkins, who every night automatically translates the software versions of the current development projects, as well as performing the tests. The staff can ensure that their Software changes cause no problems to existing codes from the previous day. Should it come in the night to an error be the developer by email will be notified and can promptly resolve the issue. First results integrate although research at WOGRA consulting in this area will be continued further, these first steps were taken in the software development process and achieved initial successes in the development projects. Through the continuous optimization of our development methods and processes, we achieve a real added value for our customers and can claim it as a top company in the South Bavarian region in developing software us”says managing director Wolfgang Grass Court. Why WOGRA consulting? The WOGRA consulting is an IT service provider for project management, Solfwareengineering, requirements and test management. WOGRA assumes complete IT projects or supported their implementation through use of IT professionals locally.

Get highly qualified specialists in the Web – and Java with more than ten years Project experience to use. The scope ranges from small tools to highly available, distributed systems with thousands of users. Best quality in the implementation of the requirements is the claim. WOGRA Consulting GmbH was history of WOGRA Consulting GmbH founded in 2008 by Wolfgang Grass Court and Heiko Simonek, which are also managing director. Registered company address is Augsburg. The team now eleven employees could grow through sustainable growth and a good order situation. Customers from the banking and insurance industry and the industry, as well as the IT industry and the education system benefit from the support of the WOGRA Consulting GmbH and put their trust in you for years.

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