The educational possibilities that the long-distance education open are fantastic, therefore through the Internet we can have transmission in real time of sound and image with a technology that allows to see the professor in a screen, to follow what it speaks and to make questions or commentaries (interaction on-line). These diverse possibilities offered in education in the distance are related to the flexibility, that is characteristic of the program. Such proposals are characterized by the use of a diversity of pedagogical resources that has as purpose to facilitate the construction of the knowledge. Another aspect of the education in the distance is emphasis given to the organizacional and administrative efficiency the way of registration, the distribution them material didactic for study, the system of evaluation, the attention and orientation to the educandos in elapsing of the course. In the education in the distance it can be emphasized the autonomy of the pupils in the choice of spaces and times to study and that is perceived in the school registrations of the inserted courses that are carried through by adult people and already in the work market. The education in the distance according to Toschi (2002, P. 219) is alternative indispensable in one country ample of enormous inaqualities, since that either guaranteed standard raised of quality in the courses programs, with professionals of high ability. EAD not it must to be restored in isolated programs, but it needs to interact with others existing actions. Exactly the long-distance education allowing that the pupils if organize in independent way, we cannot forget that in it has selected contents, orientation for the continuation of the studies, activities proposals so that the educandos carry through and that this way of education contains a proposal didactic clear and front to the offers of actual education is a competitive modality.