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Realtors Donetsk

Donetsk Regional Chamber realtor October 9, 2010 in Donetsk held a regional conference of Realtors. The conference was organized Donetsk Regional Chamber realtor. The conference theme: “Implementing amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On the one zapobgannya protidyu legalzats (vdmivannyu) dohodv, possession zlochinnim Way …” and also “Legal settlement real estate activity in Ukraine.” The conference attended by 105 people from the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. Conference participants – members of the Donetsk Regional Chamber of real estate, realtor Lugansk Chamber leaders of real estate agencies, agents, private entrepreneurs. To work at the conference were invited to: – The Chief of Justice of the Donetsk region – Turin C.E. – Head of the Eastern regional office Gosfinmonitoringa – scraping IV – Chairman BCDG “Realtor Chamber of Ukraine” – A. Bondarenko – President of the Union real estate professionals in Ukraine – Rubanov AN – Director of the Donetsk State Economics and Technology College Vladimirova, ETC This event took place in the business spirit and 2.5 hours of the conference participants concluded that the unresolved legal field complicates the work of professionals. Most operators of Donetsk market nedvizhimosti concerned about the fact that the formulation of laws and regulations is no systematic approach: There is no law “On the real estate activity,” as well as a unified concept for further development of the Ukrainian real estate market.

After the conference agreement was signed and basic training program for real estate between the “real estate chamber of Ukraine” Soyuz professionals real estate of Ukraine and Donetsk State Economic-Technological College. In a solemn ceremony President “Realtor Chamber of Ukraine,” Bondarenko A. presented 45 members of the Donetsk Regional Chamber of personal real estate certificates. The apogee of this the event was that the 19 participants after the conference written applications to join the Donetsk regional real estate house.

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