
The strengths of DpuScan are speed, reliability, universal use, and ease of use – at a surprisingly affordable price. Janich & Klass constantly works on the improvement and optimization of DpuScan. Numerous new details have been integrated in the past few months in the version 5.11 of the software. So, DpuScan now uses the capacities of modern multi core computer: with the Plug-In DpuProcess background processes run independently, while in the foreground can be scanned further. The classification of the documents can be in the background. Automatic text alignment now copes with every lopsided, and also works in small degrees – not only at 90, 180 or 270 degrees. More precisely, the improved OMR module detects markers.

The ability to use DpuScan scanner out is brand new. To have the scanner controls for software control provide (E.g. on its touch screen). So far, this is only possible with the XINO S700 scanners of Janich & Klass-partner company microform, which also can be seen at the booth of Janich & Klass at the DMS EXPO. The microform scanner to provide such a function previously considered only: while DpuScan is running on the PC, can be then the scanner no input on the PC – a Stapelscann started, interrupted, stopped and fixed error (double blade, jam, etc.). Permanent innovation DpuScan makes a typical example of technology made by J & K”, as Dietmar Janich, Managing Director of Janich & Klass Computertechnik GmbH. that’s why is research and development from the outset on the basis of our success. The long-term success of DpuScan shows that reliability in the document identification is no coincidence.

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