Managing Director

In may 2013, the Federal Ministry for education and research 2013 published the vocational training report and confirmed that the training market situation is still good. Speyer, the 30.08.2013: may 2013 published 2013 the Federal Ministry of education and research the vocational training report and confirmed that the training market situation is still good. Par excellence for training places, small and medium-sized enterprises are the engine. And the example of H. j. shows that it pays to find suitable trainees.

Dre GmbH, a manufacturer of folding cartons in Speyer. The Speyer company H. j.. Dre GmbH ( is looking for always good young as one of the leading manufacturers of folding cartons. Whatever it is, these days everything is packed. This applies to products such as mobile phones, hand creams or hamburgers at the same time. Includes folding cartons to our daily life. “, as Jurgen Dres, CEO of H.

j.. Dre GmbH. Outstanding are therefore just for trainees in the packaging industry Ways to go immediately into the profession after the training. But that’s not all for the Managing Director. The desire on the part of the entrepreneur training there must be granted. We notice but again and again, that just by the questioning of the trainees come always new momentum in our operating.” Proudly, the business leader, announced that in August 2013 two new trainees to the Pack media technologists, formerly packaging means mechanic, H.-j.. Meet Dre GmbH. It took but a whole lot of patience and talks according to Jurgen Dres, find the right applicant”. Jurgen Dres continued: on the one hand Pack media technologist sounds futuristic and certainly even more attractive for trainees. On the other hand technologist expresses the meaning exactly what is at stake now in our industry: the mastery of and understanding of high technology. With us in processing in the production of folding cartons and cardboard.” Short profile: The H. j. Dre GmbH has more 6 decades manufacturer of folding cartons in all standard formats, as well as challenging, extraordinary special packaging. Today is one of the h-J. Dre GmbH to the leading manufacturers of quality folding cartons in Germany. Now be folding cartons with an annual quantity of approx. 35 million are produced and shipped throughout Europe.

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