RIM Test Android

If there is something they did well Apple’s when they created the iPhone was the manner in which began to accept third-party applications. That way little by little became a company that had apps for absolutely everything and this, in addition to the features of the iPhone hardware, made it became one of the best-selling phones. Another company that is doing the same thing that Apple is Google with Android. The operating system is gaining thousands and thousands of applications and without place to doubt is the only one who can tread heels to the manzanita. Now developers of ShopSavvy Android noticed three BlackBerry phones that were running applications that were only developed for Android, which adds weight to rumors that are circulating a while ago and they are praying that RIM would be working to recognize the operating system of Google apps.

The BlackBerry in question were an 8300, 8600 and 8520 software running in January and February this year. The rumors began last month and it was said that RIM, the company that manufactures the smartphones, He was preparing a virtual machine for the PlayBook that was compatible with Android applications and which, eventually, would also on their phones to significantly increase the amount of options that your users will have when using applications. Although access to the Android Market will be completely tied to Google decision and an agreement will need to sign both companies, phones and BlackBerry tablet can run all the applications that there is for Google’s operating system will be a really important step forward for RIM users. Original author and source of the article

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