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It is important to know specialities that collaborate with dentists, since nowadays usual teamwork from different areas of work. One of the specialties that help considerably especially for the Pediatric Dentistry is the psychology. It gives us an important help in the motivation of children, primarily those who have suffered from bad past experiences. Not only induces children to care more pleasant and warm but that many times helps parents to assume their own traumatic experiences and how to prevent transmission to their children. We must bear in mind that we must not necessarily suffering from serious pathologies to a psychological therapy but that we often need a professional specifically trained to help us see things in a different way in such a way that we assume the problems and take appropriate decisions to each particular situation such as choosing a dentist that has both technical and emotional capacity to carry out the attention of our family.

Another specialty that collaborates closely with dentists is the speech therapy, which helps us in the Pediatric Dentistry solve oral habits. As oral habits we understand all those actions that perform and provoke a reaction harmful to our oral health. Among them we find the suction of one or more fingers, prolonged use of Pacifiers, suction of pencils, the interposition of lips or tongue between teeth etc. These habits are not changed from one day to the other, usually resorts to a series of exercises that are performed in the clinic of a / to phonoaudiologist and that they are supervised in principle and then practice at home; also professional traffickers must be in contact with each other to evaluate the joint evolution of the patient. There is practically no problems having no solution today with the teamwork between the different specialties, the important thing is be well advised and corno parents consult a dentist the need or not perform an interconsultation with professionals from other specialty.

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