Cancer Of Pncreas/Digestive Device

The pncreas are umaglndula of the digestive device, located in the superior part of abdomee behind the stomach. It is responsible for the enzyme production, that atuamna digestion of foods, and for the INSULINA, responsible hormone for the reduction of the glucose level (sugar) in the blood. Orisco to develop the cancer of pncreas increases the 50 years deity after, mainly in the band between 65 and 80 years, having a maiorincidncia in the masculine sex. Most of the cases of the illness diagnosticada in advanced phase, and therefore, is treated for finsPALIATIVOS. The type most frequent is the ADENOCARCINOMA with 90% of the cases.

EPIDEMIOLOGIA: The cancer of pncreas raro before the 30 years of age, being more common from the 60 years. In Brazil it represents 2% of all the types of cancer. The tax demortalidade for cancer of pncreas is high, therefore it is an extremely aggressive illness of difcildiagnstico and. RISK FACTORS: the use of derivadosdo tobacco, the smokers possesss three times more possibilities to develop adoena of what the not smoking ones, extreme consumption of fat, decarnes, alcoholic beverages, exposition the chemical composites as solventesde oil during long time. SYMPTOMS: The localization of the pncreas atrsde other agencies, makes it difficult the precocious detention of the cancer of pncreas.

Otumor normally is developed without symptoms, being to difcildiagnosticar it in the initial phase. When detected, already it can be emestgio very advanced. Appetite loss and of weight, weakness, diarria, giddiness, jaundice, pain in the coasts, increase of the level of the glucose nosangue. DIAGNOSIS: Examinations of laboratory, as of blood, excrements and piss, computerized cat scan, ultrasonografia, nuclear and bipsia resonance of the fabric. TREATMENT: The cure of the cancer of pncreas alone is possible when this will be detected in initial phase. Cirurgiacom resseco, palliative treatment and rank of prtese. Radio equimioterapia for reduction of the tumor and relief of the symptoms. PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS: Basically he is trabalhojunto aopaciente, familiar and friends to modify some epsico-sociaiscomportamentais alimentary habits. It is important also to work with the patient collateral algunsefeitos of the conventional treatments, a new which had style, a new quality of life. Suely Bischoff Axe of OliveirPsiclogCRP 06/8495sbischoff@ After grad. for the Hosp. of the Cancer Camargo B.C.

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