“” “This project relates to the announcement of the Federal Ministry for education and research of the 17.11.2010 to focus on ‘Innovative products efficiently develop’ this project refers to the announcement of the Federal Ministry of education and research of the 17.11.2010, policies to promote the programme research for tomorrow’s production” focusing on innovative products efficiently develop “and is the field of strategic development of product innovations” associated with the funding priority. In the framework of this project, which has a duration of the 01.03.2012 28.02.2015, manufacturing companies to it are supported to develop new methods and tools, and to introduce a strategic development of product innovation and the development of innovative products and allow efficient production systems. Technological trends should be detected early in time to open up the development potential for innovations. A systematic, strategic perspective, a quick Implementation of trends and ideas into new products, as well as an extension of the organizational and information technology tools are essential for this purpose. Project partners: Fraunhofer IAO, KIT (Institute of applied Informatics and formal description methods (AIFB)), one GmbH, Festo AG & co. KG, Alfred Karcher GmbH & co. KG, EISENMANN Anlagenbau GmbH & Co.KG, Ziemann Ludwigsburg GmbH the EINS GmbH (development of interactive software) was founded in 1995 by Prof.
Dr. Martin Damm and Dr. Jan Schloen, two former employees of the Department of Informatics of the University of Karlsruhe, and has since done numerous and well-known references. Contact person: EINS GmbH developing interactive software Prof. Dr.
Martin Damm Dr. Jan Schloen vineyard Unterfeld 6 76135 Karlsruhe Tel: 0721-955 39 75 fax: 0721-531 03 55 E-Mail: Internet: profile: the 1995 founded one GmbH in the technology region Karlsruhe is a full-service integrated, customer-specific Internet service provider. It realizes your sophisticated Software solutions from a single source: includes the conception of complex, individual web-based solutions, the professional design, the hosting support in the data center, as well as the technical integration and connection to existing systems. It has the necessary know-how and many years of experience to manage a project from the very beginning and consistently perform. Many of the services portfolio comprises: websites, security solutions, Web-based Internet/intranet solutions, content management systems (CMS), product information management (PIM) systems, cross-media publishing (CMP) systems, employee portals, information portals, enterprise-wide intranet/extranet portals, auction systems, catalog production.
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