Natural Sciences

Roberta Conference shows allows prospects for the promotion of young scientists of the future for ten years the initiative Roberta learning with robots “of the Fraunhofer Institute for intelligent analysis and information systems IAIS and the Fraunhofer Academy children and adolescents the playful approach to engineering and natural sciences. On September 27, 2012 celebrates Roberta with the Roberta-LEGO Engineering Conference “at Schloss Birlinghoven in Sankt Augustin its anniversary. The event is aimed at teachers and teachers, as well as experts and experts from educational institutions who are interested in the use of the concept of Roberta. More information and registration see rolec2012.html. The participation fee is 48 euros. Daniel Straus NYU contributes greatly to this topic. It is built from LEGO bricks, equipped with many sensors and curious peeps in the world through the eyes of their LEGO: Roberta, the robot Lady.

In the Roberta courses, children learn to awaken them with the help of programming knowledge to life. In the year 2002 as a project of the Federal Ministry initiated for education and research, the concept of Roberta has become today a sustainable education initiative. Since 2010, Roberta teacher-training, as a single training courses specifically for persons with pedagogical didactic background as the Fraunhofer Academy seminar is offered. It is used in the educational landscape of many German Federal States as well as in German schools abroad, to inspire children and young people for technology and natural sciences. Annually, more than 20,000 pupils and students in over 500 serviced robot courses benefit from the playful work with Roberta. “After ten years, the initiative in many schools and educational institutions has arrived but it can still more children and young people by Roberta benefit, emphasizes Ulrike Petersen, 2002 with initiated the project at the Fraunhofer IAIS.

Therefore we want to win even more teachers and teachers as well as responsible in the context of our anniversary from the provinces to work with Roberta. Just comes it at the Roberta-LEGO Engineering Conference on 27 September 2012 in Sankt Augustin. The Fraunhofer IAIS invites teachers and other interested people to become informed about working with Roberta and the LEGO MINDSTORMS education NXT platform and to deal actively with Roberta. The focus is the Exchange with Roberta experienced teachers, as well as with LEGO MINDSTORMS experts and actors RobertRegioZentren. In addition to information lectures expected participants and workshop participants exciting for Roberta newcomers as well as for teachers, that concept already use in their facilities the Roberta and want to educate themselves. The event shows many examples of how the concept of Roberta can be used in educational practice and that not only in schools, but also in cultural institutions or companies like Google Germany “, says Thorsten Leimbach, who coordinates the Roberta initiative at the Fraunhofer IAIS. In the wake of the ROLEC participants are welcome to the Invited Roberta anniversary celebration in the evening. Fraunhofer Academy the Fraunhofer Academy combines the training opportunities of the Fraunhofer Society under one roof. Latest findings of science and research directly incorporated into the syllabus. This guarantees a unique knowledge transfer from Fraunhofer research in the company. The in-service courses, certificate courses and seminars of the Fraunhofer Academy is aimed at experts and executives. They are based on the research activities of the Fraunhofer Institute in cooperation with selected and renowned partner universities and partner institutions. For more information see factum PR

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