Classification Criteria For ACS

ams classification strongly depends on the classification criteria. By the form used by the control device information distinguish open and closed ACS: in open systems there is no feedback between the output of control object and the input control device. In such systems, value-driven not controlled. If there is a feedback facility management and control unit form a closed loop provides automatic monitoring of control object. By the nature of changes in the driving influence of acs can be attributed to the following types: automatic stabilization, giving the effect that constantly, and these systems are designed to maintain consistency of some physical parameter (temperature, pressure, speed, etc.), program control, giving the effect that changes in any previously known to the law (for example, a given program can be modified speed motor drives, change the product temperature during heat treatment, etc.) tracking, giving the effect which varies according to the arbitrary, a priori unknown to the law (used to control the parameters of the control objects in the external conditions). In recent years, are becoming increasingly important adaptive control systems, characterized by action on the object of management of any completely unknown factors. As a result, the need to solve the control problem under uncertainty of input data for decision on control actions. These systems can adapt to environmental changes and the object management, and improve its performance as experience is gained, ie information on results management.

In turn, adaptive process control are divided into: the optimal, which provide automatic maintenance of the facility management of most advantageous mode, self-tuning, the parameters of the control object which is not remain unchanged, and converted to a change in external conditions, self-organizing, algorithm which does not remain unchanged, but improved when the parameters of the object management and external conditions, self-learning, which analyze the experience gained object management and on this basis will automatically improve its structure and method .Po nature of the acs is divided into continuous and discrete actions. In the continuous process control for continuous variation of the input signal also varies smoothly and the output signal. In the discrete process control for continuous variation of the input signal output signal changes abruptly. Management methods based on the use of digital technology, always lead to discrete control systems. By the nature of change the tone settings of acs can be divided into linear and nonlinear, steady and unsteady. By number of parameters themselves ams are one-dimensional or multidimensional (multiparameter). It should be noted that the classification of the acs can also be constructed on the basis of other criteria, for example, can be classified by acs the physical nature of the system or its major parts, the power actuator, etc. Each of these methods of classification of acs is often independent of the others. This means that each of them can be represented as a scale in a multidimensional phase space, while the specific process control in this space will correspond to points or certain areas.

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