
Plan of Recovery of Disasters Biecio de Brito, Elison Frasson Introduction Let us imagine a situation where definitive organization suffers some type of disaster that can be characterized as natural, accidental or intentional, something that really makes with that the main service of this organization stops to work. For example, a technology company that possesss some servers, each one destined to a different task, but that she is vital for the profitability of the same one. In determined moment she finishes the energy, or consequentemente she consequentemente happens some incident that comes to completely stop the services of each one of the servers, thus making with that the company loses the course of its services and profitability, affecting its image in the market. She is at this moment that the Plan of Recovery of Disasters enters in action and shows its importance, therefore has exactly for purpose, in cases of this platform, to assist in the actions for the normatizao of the services of an organization with the minimum time and possible impact. Reasons of if having a Plan of Recovery of Disasters Some companies subestimam the risks of occurrence of disasters and they do not invest in a PRD (Plan of Recovery of Disasters), therefore many times imagine that for having something that guarantees that the data most important if do not lose, as for example, a room of Backup, nobreaks, amongst others, never will go to occur something so catastrophic that it comes to interrupt its functionality. Although in some cases the organizations to have standby equipment, rooms of backup, what it makes look like to assure that the data are not lost, have a problem, they are in one exactly surrounding physicist. In such a way if it cannot guarantee the total security of the continuity of the service, therefore thinking about a flood, earthquake, sabotage, that is, something that if defines as a disaster, all the information will be lost.

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