Tag Archives: internet

Flash JQuery

Rare Web razrabtchik who met at the site of flash, remains indifferent to it. Stunning animated menus, stunning visuals, all this leaves the impression in the heart of every webmaster. Many probably rhinestones rush to learn ActionScript, but do not hurry, for all this magnificence lies some serious drawbacks. You've probably noticed that the most widely purchased in the flash banners and online players, but not in . The most serious drawback is that whether it's on the menu, flash, hat, content block or the whole site – it will never be indexed by search engines.

Search engine spiders simply ignore the contents of the tag object. Site created for flash makes sense, perhaps, in one case – flash version for the site to html, and even then, the pleasure is very questionable. Also, if you follow the news of the world of networking, you probably have repeatedly drawn attention on a very frequent reports about vulnerabilities in flash. But do not be upset. The team of foreign designers presented the world with JavScript framework jQuery. With jQuery, you can create an absolutely stunning visual effects. The advantages of jQuery is that you can create a site for interactivity, animation and effectiveness is comparable to the flash, with it being the html code spider friendly. In addition to all jQuery is easy to learn – all you need to know is the basics of JavScript and the selectors css.

But there is one "But" (as the same without him), in jQuery is not so developed a system to design graphics. I think there may be mentioned html 5. Over the html 5 working Opera, Mazilla and Apple since 2004. html 5, as stated, will contain a powerful api to work with two-dimensional graphics, built-in tools for working with audio and video and is expected to rival the Adobe Flash. At the moment, already has a version running on youtube html 5 and a social network using the Google wave also html5. All of the above is only for information sites. They did not quite appropriate, I believe, to use the flash. For a long time, there are browser-based online games, which use almost all features a flush. And navryatli html 5 will be able to immediately to give as powerful as a flash. But in any case, competition is good, come and choice. Let us return to the topic – what did I use? It all depends on the goals. If you want to create usual site with animation, which does not require complex calculations, it is jQuery. If you want to use the present complex operations with graphics, then at the moment is, of course, flash.

Domain Name

Find a word is very simple, it should come up with. 🙂 Here, for example, the word Google. Although it seems to already in the dictionary, where I had already heard it. The idea of creating the name of the second principle in Style Web 2.0, I think is crystal clear. 3. However, not all as easy as it might seem. Web 2.0 has a number of secret signs by which its adherents to know each other (yes, like the Masons).

Not knowing them, you'll never get in the box Web 2.0, there will not be accepted and will not take a worthy place. You must adopt their own, this already just looking at your domain name. Now I will reveal these hidden characters that are enclosed in the domain name. 😉 Name in the style of Web 2.0 should be a resounding, it must beat the 'Mosque'. But it should sound to be special.

Google – Web 2.0 is not even the name sounds. Allowed these types of sounding domain name in the style of Web 2.0: ends in a sound mix of 'err' or similar, for example, flicker; sounds in one breath, and the sound of 'organ', for example, wooohooo. Except Furthermore, if you really have no way to deviate from the dictionary, then your domain name should be produced unprecedented association. The domain name in a Web 2.0 should create in the mind, seeing his people, the images that do not exist, for example, violetapple.Trety principle of creating the name of Style Web 2.0 – a name that does not exist, a special set of sounds, unheard-of association and imagery. 4. It is not a principle, but some simple guidelines. But they are no less important than the three principles of Creation of the Domain Name in Style Web 2.0.Potratte time to concoct a few domain names in the style of Web 2.0 – will be from what vybrat.Proverte (no, not employment names) really is no such word. Open the paper dictionary, and look for your domain name in the style of Web 2.0. It turned out that this is a dirty curse word? Have to give up. Of course, if you do not live in Harlem and the Negro, if still living, and a nigger is a name that you want. It is true, it probably already taken your neighbors. Open Google and search for its name, it is possible that this is a slang word. Found? See previous punkt.Vot now, you can check the domain name to zanyatost.I finally, happy ending – the domain name registration. Congratulations, you are lucky enough to have domain name in the style of Web 2.0. And above all an original idea Web 2.0 project, with no idea of going nowhere. 🙂 PS: If the 'creative' you do not attend, then please visit the oscillator domain names in the style of Web 2.0. But it's better if you still visit the Muse Web 2.0 (not a 'creative'), avtosgenerirovannye names are not distinguished singular originality.

Et3 A Transportation Clean And Fast

The future of transport which, literally, represents the space travel on Earth will be transformed by ET3 (Evacuated Tube Transport Technology). This is definitely a new mode of clean, green transportation, fast, comfortable, safe, fast, and affordable. It is believed that these tubes of capsules will allow carrying out a transport either passengers or cargo from New York to Beijing in just 2 hours, which will be clearly a benefit to entrepreneurs, traders, exchange of product and for the planet since this technology has the advantage of not emit high levels of greenhouse gases. The system operates on capsules, each one of them is made of a lightweight material, which makes that only despite 180 kgs, which translates into Rails very cheap since they need to withstand less weight. In each capsule can travel up to 6 people, with a combined maximum weight of 367 kg. In total, implementing this system is 90% cheaper to make a track for high-speed trains and 75% cheaper to build a Highway.

The capsules are the size of 1.5 m (5) passenger cars in diameter and are located in magnetic levitation without friction tubes. The air is permanently extracted from tubes on two tracks that are built along a travel route. The air pockets in the stations allow transfer of capsules without admitting air. Linear electric motors accelerate capsules, which then carry them through the void for a trip without using additional energy. Most of the energy is regenerated so capsules can reduce the speed. The ET3 can offer 50 times more transport per kWh against electric cars or trains of these same characteristics.

They will initially build lines for interstate trips within the United States, and movements will have 600 km/h speed seek maximum, in a second stage to evolve the system up to international travel with a maximum speed of 6500 km/h, which would allow New York reaching Beijing in just two hours. This is one of the ideas that are intended to implement in terms of transportation to solve the problems caused by climate change, they also include the Eco-dirigibles and Superyate Exuma, which are innovative projects that protect the environment since its fuel consumption is minimal or use alternative energies. Main benefits of the ET3: quick * may go from NY to the in only 45 minutes. ** Estimated that a trip between Washington and Beijing can be made in approximately 2 hours. ** The capsules will travel at a speed of 350 mph at the local level and at 400 mph at the international level. CONVENIENT * trips are continuously, nonstop, without ratrasos. EFFICIENCY * low use of energy which are available. * Low consumption of resources and materials for Assembly and maintenance. ** The speed of 300 mph in addition to be possible for human beings is ideal for saving energy. CLEANING * is an ultra quiet transport mechanism. ** It is beneficial for the care and protection of the environment. * Works with some completely and alternative sustainable energy sources. SECURITY * in its design and conception there is no risk of collision between the capsules of passengers or cargo. * Protects from the weather and the climate changes. It is a possible IDEA * all the necessary equipment to build ET3 exists at the moment, especially the parts of the platform * the technologies involved are all individual and commercial use.


Looking for a long time. After going through the matches, toilet paper and bread, which has already touched its pernicious Advertising breath, they stopped at every familiar because of the extreme inconvenience in the use of classical tin opener Soviet times. The same one mass, with a wooden handle, which still lies on the the shelves of hardware stores. And no one, mind you, they do not advertise. Fix an annoying omission. So, as a "roll out" opener for cans? The first way – "Unicum". This product contains in its structure is something special, unique and surprising – the fruit of many years of hard cutting edge best minds in the world of science, discovery changed the world.

But nothing in the opener is not in sight, you will object. This is something just does not matter. Even the well, not. Nobody prideretsya. Suppose that in the same opener with wooden handle embodies the patented miracle formula sigma effect. Sounds? Sigma-effect is already being used in advertising washing powder? Not scary.

Change the letter of the word, let it be unique Epsilon technology. So, the key is made of tin-Epsilon's unique technology! I was always worried about the fate of alpha-carotene. And provitamin. Not "about vitamins," and "Provitamin" – one word. Anyway, these terms have anything but mean. Ceramide remember? A nanosomy? A proretinol, which is always somehow "A"? I'm not talking about soda, crumbs or trieffekte Sortie (they are now, by the way, the war – intensity of granules are struggling with turbo-crumbs), or on such masterpieces as microdermabrasion expert system.

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