Explorer Windows

In this article we will talk about methods of startup programs in the operating systems Windows. The purpose of this writing, was the rapid development of all sorts of viruses and Trojans, to make you understand how to fight them and how to remove from the system. In this article, I will often mention the name of the operating system, Windows 7, but these methods can be used in startup, not only in the operating system, Windows 7, but in all editions of Microsoft. There are many ways to run malicious programs on Windows 7. And there are many ways even more nobody knows. In this article I will describe how to startup the most commonly used by hackers. 1) One old method is the simplest in nature, is to add a shortcut in the Startup folder. Find the folder you can open the Start a Programs a Startup.

This method of startup is unlikely to be used by a trojan, as it can be found by clicking the mouse just a couple of times. 2) The second method is probably the most popular programs to run under Windows 7. In the registry, there are some clues like: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun This method is used autorun trojans from the very moment of their appearance, and it remains relevant in our time. These registry keys contain a list of loaded process explorer-th logging in Windows 7. 3) Run the Trojan can also be implemented instead of the standard Explorer Windows.

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