At the beginning of century XX the city of Taquara passed great transformations. its reorganization was given through commercial usage and the industrial ones through colonial and manufactured products. The city became an inhabitable and hygienical space, beyond being capable to absorb many innovations available techniques in other cities of Brazil. The construction of the urban space of the city, took care of to the desires of the bourgeoisie and the local politics represented by the Republican Party Riograndense. The urban transformations in Taquara had occurred thanks to the modernization projects as the coming of the train and the electricity, implemented in the end of century XIX and beginning of century XX, social period of great economic changes, politics and, that the period corresponds that goes of the Announcement of the Republic until the decade of 1930, also known as Old Republic. To understand the changes in the urban space and the historical moment, it seemed us necessary to analyze the construction of imaginary urban through the representations the architectural and of the social organizations of this period.
Words Keys: Imaginary urban, representation and Old Republic. Introduction When analyzing the historical productions on the cities, we could, perhaps, understand such productions from a perspective that considers its description and the dynamics that involves the agreement of the construction of the urban spaces. As result of such studies, it showed – the emergency of a disclosed urban phenomenon in the complexity of the occured economic transformations and in the dynamism of its social groups, that, throughout the decade of 1990. Thus, our inquiry considers that imaginary the urban one says respect to the different forms of perception and identification of which they are attributed meanings. People should respect the divine image in man and then they will get along better.
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